
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday, September 16, 2005

A lot of stuff happening, who knows where to start...

Firstly, forget the wild card, the Yanks are gunning for the division: I don't know why all the talk about the Yankees has been focused on whether they will get the wild card spot or not. They have never been that far out of first place and they have never settled for less. I think the real story is going to be the postseason, win-or-lose, because Gene Michael, the head scout is being benched. And, God knows we need great scouts now more than ever, unless we can use the money to keep hiring veterans. And, it's also news to me that Cashman is dissatisfied with the current structure.

The article that put a dent in my day:

On another topic that some would say is completely unrelated, I've been reading about Bush's poll numbers. They've gone down big-time and rightly they should. And y'know what? So should the performance ratings of the Governor of Looziana and the Mayor of N'awlins, based on that fiasco two weeks ago. All 3 of them should be thrown out of office. I've read some things that shocked me and made me question the capability of people in charge, e.g.:

--FEMA conducted a hurricane exercise 13 months ago to assess the results of a Class 3 hurricane. The study theorized that the Lake's waters would topple levees and through a gap, flood the city. Officials estimated that half of the residents won't evacuate and that many will be trapped. WTF?!?!!

--FEMA Director Brown asks Bush to call officials to evacuate cities, Bush responds, "Mike, you want me to call them?"

--Only 20 hours before Katrina makes landfall, Mayor Nagin calls a mandatory evacuation. This is after it's upgraded to a Category 5 storm.

--Empty Amtrak trains offer to take away people, Mayor refuses. Later, Mayor denies the offer was ever made.

--In a speech on Medicare, Bush says "we've got equipment in place. And once the -- once we're able to assess the damage, we'll be able to move in and help those good folks in the affected areas." 1 day after Katrina, Bush says "we're beginning to move in the help that people need."

--Governor Blanco, when asked about the toxic water, during a press conference:

Blanco: It didn't -- I wouldn't think it would be toxic soup right now. I think it's just water from the lake, water from the canals. It's, you know, water.

Q: Well, something could be underneath that water.

Blanco: Pardon?

--Red Cross denied entry into New Orleans because of potential conflict with military/security planning.

--Brown says he did not know about the food and water situation in the Superdome until 3 days after.

--Bush says Brown is doing a fine job, then later he is removed as FEMA director.

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