
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Monday, July 04, 2005

A funny thing happened...

A funny thing happened in the office a few weeks ago, and what better way to illustrate it than with our good, ole' friend MS Paint.

Here I am arriving at work. This has nothing to do with anything.

So, if anyone has never worked in an office before, imagine a room chock full of papers, computers, people, and desks, crammed so tight and organized so badly, that you would think Helen Keller helped plan these things. With that, here's an inaccurate sketch of my office:

In my own cubicle I have someone sitting on the other end of my desk. The good thing is that we are tucked away in a little alcove, where someone has to actually walk into the cubicle to talk to us. Bad thing is that someone can sneak in without us knowing (obviously, this is the set-up for y'all).

This particular day I got in a little bit later than usual, and everyone was already in, hard at work. Now, it's my normal ritual to check the news websites and see what's going on in the world first thing when I arrive.

See, there I am, checking away. Well, after a few mins. of surfing, I was going to check one more site and then start the day's work. I think I was going to go to the CNN website and then I hit the wrong keys by mistake. That's when this happened:

I stumbled onto some kind of site with flashing boobies and ipod / girls gone wild advertisements. It wasn't a porn site per se, but probably some stupid frat guy's site trying to be a porn site. This wouldn't have been bad at all, except that my boss chose to walk in at that moment, and that the guy had some friggin' Slipknot song playing loud as hell on his site. (at least I think it was slipknot, unless someone can confirm what band sings:"guts on the floor, but you want more")

Needless to say, I tried to X the window, but maximized it instead, and after some fumbling, I managed to close the window. I turned to my boss, who didn't look too happy, and retrieved whatever stupid papers I handed to her for a signature a few days earlier. But, I think it was made all better by my laughing co-workers. So, there you go, I continue to do stupid things, and I will continue to use Paint to detail my stupidity.

Happy Birthday to the greatest country in the world! Hope you're all having good summers.

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