
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thursday, August 17, 2006

So, I was at the gym the other day and as I was walking by the TVs, I saw on the news crawl that a suspect in the 10 year-old JonBenet Ramsey case had confessed. The first thing I thought was, "What the hell, it's been 10 years?" It really doesn't feel like it's been that long.

Well, anyway, when I read that this guy Karr said it was an accident, my question was how could it have been an accident when the girl was molested, beaten and killed? It seems like a basic question but it's strange that all the news reports don't seem to be trying to reconcile those facts. One of the legal advisers on NBC was saying that this still might not bring an end to this case because any whack-o can confess to anything but it still might not be supported. Another strange thing is that if DNA was found from JonBenet's body and John Mark Karr was already a suspect (AND a convicted child molester), then why didn't they try to match his DNA before? There's something bizarre about everything. Even the press conference in Thailand was creepy. Well, if this guy is guilty I guess the one good thing that you can take away from this, if anything, is that the parents of the child will be vindicated. It's crappy to think of all the indicted innocent people out there who don't have a John Mark Karr to come forward to prove their innocence. Sometimes the court of public opinion can doom you just as much as those prison walls.

Meanwhile, midway across the world, things have been quieting down (somewhat) in the Middle East. But, now it's getting crazy over here in the office. Our chief broke the news to us that the UN is coordinating the movement of 45,000 extra people to the region. That's about 30,000 new potential compensation claims that I'll be handling. That's on top of the 40,000 people that I already handle, BY MYSELF! I don't even know why I'm writing this Xanga right now, I've got a stack of crap to get to. I guess when the amount of work just gets so absurd it fortifies your latent hatred of things to the point where you don't care too much about performing well anymore. Maybe all I need is a vacation. Sorry, I'm just talking to myself now. Are you still reading this?

Well, the weekend should be fun. Yanks only 2 games up on Boston and after today's game they got a 5-game series against the Red Sox, in Fenway. Oh mercy. This is the stuff that dreams are made of. I have no idea what that means.

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