
Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Currently Playing
Kind of Blue
By Miles Davis, Coltrane, Adderly, Evans
see related
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I don't know if anyone heard, but McGreevey is gay (as in homosexual). The latest is that McGreevey has said that he wants to stay in office until mid-Nov. He has personally told a NJ Senator, Jon Corzine, that he will stay as governor and Corzine is fine with that. But, initially Democrats agreed with the governor's decision, and now they want him out earlier so that Corzine can run for governor in a special election and other politcians like Bob Menendez can grab the Senate seat that Corzine would leave open. Incidentally, if McGreevey stays, then Senate pres. Richard Codey would take over and he represents the district that includes our town. So Corzine is torn between his loyalty to the US Senate and his possibility of really leading in NJ as a governor. But, of course none of that can happen without McGreevey's say-so and who knows what he's going to do. All I know is that in politics you never know who your true friends are.

Something else that was covered briefly was the discovery of John the Baptist's baptismal cave in Jerusalem. Located in Kibbutz Tzuba, it is a couple of miles from the birthplace of John. In the cave, 28 stone steps lead you downstairs and they have found an underground pool, a foot-washing stone and small jugs. What is interesting to me is the discovery of Christian art, such as a man with wild hair wearing a tunic, and a carved face symbolizing a severed head. Both are supposed to represent John. However there is no discovery of a smoking gun, because of the lack of any inscriptions. So with this and other accumulating archaeological evidence of Jesus' existence, it seems a smoking gun may be found soon. But, what will be the measure of a true Christian if everyone has "seen and believed."

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