
Friday, February 20, 2009

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

And now for the first, and only, annual Xanga Awards for Terrible Posting. Through my various sojourns to other Xanga sites I've managed to compile some very disgustingly pieced-together entries and I've posted them here so that you can choose the winner. If you've happened to come to my site and it just so happens that one of these entries belongs to you, please don't visit again. Thanks, and good voting! (Note: these entries have not been altered by me in any way)

Contestant #1 - Kinda interesting how i ended up liking the villian rather than the protagonist. i like how he's capable of controlling his emotion (if he does have any...well, he does get angry sometimes) and cool and reserve, full of confident. well.that's the good side of him. he is a demon (in a human form most of the time) and i guess he wants to be the most powerful or something DORKYFREAK

#2 - yO! 2dae [saturdae] was funn... 'rOund 1o Or sumting mike 'nd kev came Over tO my hOuse... we chilled fOr a while... we were lOokin at da pixx Ob us when we went tO LA... haha "gOod times ::slaps knee::" hahaha then ehhh i gOt my suitcase full Ob my pOlynesian [hawaiian tahitian 'nd maOri] cOstumes fOr the shOw ready... my mOm 'nd us kiddOs left 'rOund 1.3o headin tO the SAN MATEO COUNTY FAIR... when we gOt there we had tO w8 like an hOur fOr my teacher LEILANI tO arrive sO that we cOuld get Our tixx... haha i was free since i was a DANCER hehe sam_sam_ster’s

#3 - today happen many things......but i know now all the thing already settle down lu.........i know wtever how many thank you i tell my fds, still not enough.....but really in this 2 days i can feel that i have many many many REAL that ' THANK YOU VERY MUCH~~~'

this 2 days i have a big quarral with someone

#4 - Hey! Today was awesome! My friend,and I through paper toilet wodes on the bathroom wall in the girls bathroom! This is my third time lol! My other friend....the one who started it all...showed me if first! Then I did it,then the other girl! Then me and the girl..through them at the hallway down by the steps lol! Tomorrow looks like another lovely day! MABE...I'll put one in Artie's locker lol! Well peace out bitches

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