
Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday, July 02, 2004

EDIT - Yesterday in sports deserves another entry:


1) Coach K will not accept the Lakers position not because he doesn't want to leave Duke but because throughout his career he has coached kids to play great and also to be moral leaders off the court. He will decline the position because of the current situation with Bryant. Also, there is too much ego in the pros, which you don't find in college. If he did accept the job, I don't think he would do well because throughout his college career he has yet to produce a viable superstar in the pros, so how can he even coach a pro team?

2) Red Sox will slump even further after last night's greatest regular season game I've ever seen. They won't even get the wild card this year.

3) ESPN will get its biggest audience ever when the World Series of Poker 04 is shown. One question, why is it at Harrah's this year? I thought Binion's got their financial problems in order, or is it at Binion's with the name of Harrah's?

All these predicitions are fact, my friends, not emotion.

Do you all feel financially satisfied and secure? And I'm not asking what you're making, but do you think the contribution you make to society is commensurate with what you receive from society? I started thinking about the economy the other day because of the Fed raising the interest rate to a quarter-and-a-half percent. This is good news for those who have money tied up in a CD or savings account, not so great for those of us also paying off loans. The stock market didn't respond much to the news, but I think Treasury securities are doing real well now.

So how do the news and my question coincide? Well, while reading through the news, a lot of it was hard to understand. So I think it’s hard for people to really understand the economy. Also, how does a “good economy” or a “bad economy” translate to the individual? How does the average person feel these changes in their life? When economists talk about changes in the economy, it’s hard to see if we’re going to be financially better off or not. Government needs to make a better effort to present economic concepts and make it more relatable to us, otherwise we’ll just shrug it off.

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